Meet the Authors of Rockin' Room 212-These kiddos are seriously ROCKIN' WRITERS!

In Writers Workshop we have learned about poetry, opinion, narrative and non-fiction writing! We LOVE reading books by other authors to help us find our inspiration for our own books! This year as a teacher...that LOVES reading and writing...I have had 1 goal for my first graders...inspire them to find their voice as writers! In other words to ignite a passion for writing in these youngin's souls and help them realize that what they have to important and worth being written. Getting ready for Meet the Author Day proved that these babies truly LOVE to write! They begged and begged to start the day with Writer's Workshop...and to continue writing during the Daily 5 day we even skipped recess...SUCCESS!!!!!
Meet the Author Day was a day dedicated to the authors of Rockin' Room 212. Each author set up his or her desk with a poster and books written and illustrated by the very proud first grader!
Anneliese wrote a series of book called The, reader, artist! She found inspiration in the things she LOVES to do read, write, and create!

Leland found inspiration from Diary of a Worm and wrote his own Diary of a Snake.

Erica found inspiration from How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? and wrote her own version How Do Teacher Eat Their Food? Thank goodness we aren't messy! ;)

Nicholas found inspiration from David Shannon's David Goes to School and wrote his own version Nicky Goes to School.

Bentley wrote about his day at the beach with his family...he used Pig Kahuna to help him with the illustrations!

Galia wrote a story The Master of Horseshooing that was inspired by one of our new favorite books The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County.

Reece used Diary of a Spider to inspire her series Diary of a Cheetah and Diary of a Butterfly.

Evelynrose wrote about her first sleepover inspired by Ira Sleeps Over.

Aidan wrote all about OUR first grade classroom in his book Mrs. Schmidt's Classroom he was inspired by My Great Aunt Arizona.

Connor wrote a touching story about becoming the Master of Farming he was inspired by The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County and his father who was as Connor says "A legend at farming."

James found inspiration from David Shannon and created his own series consisting of James Goes to School and James Goes to Disney....When his sister stopped by to check it out she said "WHOA James...that's more than I can write!!" He was quite proud!!!

Makayla was also inspired by The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County and she wrote her own version...The Princess of Fancy! I thought it was pretty fitting ;)

Kary the "studious" author of Elephants, Diary of a Dragonfly and Glitter the Puppy found inspiration in fiction and nonfiction books...and her friend Kimber inspired the glitter...of course!

Ethan found inspiration from The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County and wrote about being the Video Game Master!

Greta did research on Sacagawea and wrote her own book recounting her life! She also found inspiration from the book James of the Giant Peach that we are reading aloud in class and wrote her own Alivea and the Giant Apple!

Kimber can find inspiration anywhere! Her latest book PINK! PINK! PINK! was inspired by her favorite color...and the glitter in the cabinet!
I hope we inspired YOU! Thanks for stopping by to meet the Authors of Rockin' Room 212!