Students were given a cup of liquid (gingerale) and a cup of popcorn kernels. First we used our 5 senses to observe and describe our materials. Then we made predictions about what would happen if we put one kernel into the liquid...students drew a picture in their science journals to record their thinking as we go and then share out with the class....Next step...put one kernel in the liquid and OBSERVE carefully...
At first nothing was happening, the kernel just sank to the bottom. But as they watched patiently the kernel suddenly floated back up to the top...covered in bubbles. Then as the bubbles popped sank to the bottom again. This process repeated over and over again...hence dancing kernels!

Graylen had an AWESOME explanation for what was happening to the kernels! She said "the bubbles are like a parachute for the kernel the air brings it up then pops so it falls back down".

THEN we tried it with ALL the kernels! Some students predicted the cup would explode!

What did we learn? Air is lighter than liquid AND can push up a lot of kernels even though they are heavier than the liquid!