Friday, February 7, 2014

Kids Choice Read Alouds!

I chose some books from around the classroom Thursday morning that hadn't been read but that I thought the kids might enjoy just relaxing and  listening to. They voted on the which one they me to wanted to read and the winner was Giraffe's Can't Dance. This was such a great book! The kids had so many opportunities to infer unknown words and phrases and to really get into what they thought the author's message could be! 

Here they are taking pictures of the cover and recording themselves talking about what the author's hidden message is...they posted their recordings on Kidblog so be sure to check it out! 

The next book the kids voted on was Pete the Pencil and Eddie the Eraser. This book was written by a group of third graders in Lakeland Fl! The kids loved this book! They decided that the authors were trying to tell them to think win-win because the pencil and the eraser argued so much they hurt the main character and got him in a lot of trouble! There next idea was to write their own books! Some of them lost interest and opted out...but still how cute are these guys chatting about what characters are going to be in their book? 

The girls decided that they were going to hide a secret message in their book...can't wait to read it!
Nik and Ryan decided their book was going to be a Nonfiction book about a famous soccer player! So here they are researching more information and writing down the facts they think should be in their book! TOO CUTE!

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