Welcome to the Poetry Cafe! This is one of my absolute favorite days of the year in First Grade! For the Month of October we have been studying Poetry! We talk about how poets see the world in a fresh new way...differently than scientists! I encourage them to find poetry in everything and write what they are thinking so that others can hear their amazing thoughts and ideas! We talk about poems having a rhythm, a beat...music with words by using line breaks and that poems sound differently to everyone! We are all poets at heart!
The Poetry Cafe is our way of celebrating poetry! This day is completely run by the kids...I try to talk as little as possible (it is possible!). We have the lights off, Christmas lights strung from the ceiling setting the tone, Norah Jones playing in the background, coffee and snacks waiting for our guests to arrive! The Welcome Crew is in charge of welcoming guests at the door as they arrive and showing them to the snack table! We have kids at the snack table writing names on coffee cups, helping parents fix plates and directing them to their seats. Parents, Grandparents and siblings join us for snacks and a little chatting while reading poetry together and waiting for the show to start!

It is time to start the show! Cullen and Kimber head to the stage and Welcome the parents to our show! They wrote their own speech and totally ROCKED it!

McKayla and Anneliese share with our parents what we have learned about poetry! They were so cute and decided to take turns reading each word...they started their speech of with "Poets don't talk while writing"...I laughed so hard when they read me their speech! Their teacher must tell them that a lot :) I am so proud of these girls!

Ethan and Erica MC'd the first half of the Poetry readings...introducing poets to the stage and asking for snaps after each reader! Erica was such a doll after each poet she thanked them for "that lovely poem". So precious! We started by reading poems from our favorite poets! Poems that inspired them or that they thought were funny!

This is where the MC's waited for their turn on stage...are they just TOO cute or what?

James and Greta took over for Erica and Ethan to finish MC'ing the show! They introduced the poets reading the poems that THEY wrote! They were a great team!
They show was a GREAT success! Thank you so much to everyone that was able to attend!
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