Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chuck the chart

Check out this post....I love it! Exactly why we will be cutting off the bottom of our chart and maybe even chucking it out completely!!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Science enrichment

Today was our first day of science enrichment in first grade! Our kids start in our classroom and do an experiment and then go to another first grade classroom for a different experiment! 
We learned about different liquid densities in room 212! The kids started with an empty cup and then poured a mysterious green liquid into the cup. 
Then they had to predict what would happen if we poured the mysterious yellow liquid into the cup with the green liquid. 
They were amazed the that yellow liquid stayed on top of the green liquid! 
They drew their predictions and observations in their science journals...
The next part of our experiment was the brown liquid! They were passing it around carefully observing using their senses to figure out what was in that cup!
They had to predict what would happen when they poured the brown liquid into the cup...they did a great job making valid predictions that the brown liquid would sit on top of the yellow liquid! 
Aren't they just sooooo cute? 
Table 2 had fun trying to figure out that brown liquid...maybe because it was syrup!
Aidan is taking his observations very seriously! I totally tricked them :) The brown liquid sank to the bottom of the cup! We learned that some liquids can be heavy and some can be light! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Setting scavenger hunt

This week in readers workshop we are learning about story elements! We watched a quick brain pop video to learn about the setting of a story. Then I passed out cards with a picture of a setting...somewhere etc. and the kids had to look through our class library to find books with the matching setting! They did a really great job! Check them out...


This little cutie bug Karys was our leader of Tuesday!  
So seriously decorating her leader crown! 


Nicholas was our fearless leader of the day ;) 
The kids asked him why he likes Christmas...presents of course!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weekly Update 9-2-14

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all enjoyed your extra day this weekend! I sure did J I just have a few quick updates for this week! In your child’s binder today I sent home their spelling test from Friday and a math homework GAME! We will be reviewing the same 5 high frequency words this week and add some new short “a” words. Everyone did great on their first test! HOORAY!

Here are the Spelling Words they will be tested on Friday…
(and a few bonus short “a” bonus words!)
Our first math homework is a GAME! Their homework is to explain the game “how many am I hiding?” to a parent or older sibling and play together! In class we use cubes but at home you can use ANYTHING you can count…like…pennies, skittles, beans, pencils, etc. Have fun!

Don’t forget to read with your little firstie for 10 minutes each night!

Curriculum Chat: September 8th from 6:00pm-8:00pm! See you then!! (If you have a device you are allowing your child to bring into school PLEASE bring it with you so that we can get your child’s device setup on the school student WIFI account J )

Our FIRST field trip…will be OCTOBER 3rd to Sykes and Cooper Corn Maze! There will be more information at Curriculum chat. I just want to make sure you all have plenty of time to mark your calendars! This is the only field trip with UNLIMITED chaperones! 

Have a rockin’ week! Let me know if you need anything!

Monday, September 1, 2014