Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mathin'it up

So this week in Math I have really been making these kiddos THINK! I recently went to a math workshop (I know...I'm a work dork) and I got some really great ideas! Here is an example of how we are using word problems to make kids THINK about the what is happening, what is important information and what information is not neccesary to solving the problem!
Then I let them go...with a partner to use ANY strategy they think makes sense to find the answer! I had the best time walking around and watching them HARD and try multiple strategies until they found one that made sense to them! Even though it was a challenging problem everyone was so eager to get to the answer! 
Saylor and Greta worked with cubes and ten sticks until they figured out they could count by fives and then count their cubes!
This group was stuck...they started counting by fives...but then were REALLY stuck when they got to 135...7 pizzas...but they needed to feed 136 kids...Aidan was determined the pizza place would give us an extra 2 slices of pizza if we asked :) 
Evelynrose and Reece had out their 120 first they were making groups of 2's...then they decided that wouldn't make they started making groups of 5...then they ran out of numbers because our chart only goes up to 120...soooo they had to use 2 120 charts...they finally got it! Well worth the hard work! They were SOOO proud of themselves!

Book clubs

This month we started Book Clubs in our First Grade classroom! We had some fabulous parents volunteer to come in and model a "book club" meeting for us. We watched and listened as they discussed the books they were reading, the lessons they learned from the characters, connections they were able to make in their own lives, and similarities they found in other texts. 
I was so proud of the way our class sat and listened attentively! Then the parents were awesome enough to allow some questions! The asked about their favorite books and how they were got ready for the book club meeting!
Next the kids got to pick the book clubs that they wanted to participate in...all of the books we have read aloud in class and have 3-4 copies of thanks to "" for a grant we won at the beginning of the year! 
They have about 1-2 weeks to read through their book and record their thinking...
We LOVE sticky notes!!!!
Then when they are ready they meet to chat about the book and their thinking! I really try not to be a part of the book club but just sit close enough to pop in when they need me and make sure they stay on task...they ROCKED it today!!!
THESE moments are PRECIOUS in our classroom! I love watching their independence and love of reading GROW and GROW! Here they were trying to figure out the word "Trinidad"...all 3 of them sounding it out and trying to decide what it means...melts my heart!